A normal Monday quickly became an abnormal Monday at Writopia, when a phantom snuck into room 4-3.
[Duh, duh, duh]
But no one knew how badly it would curse the class.
[Duh, duh, duh]
Cake pops must have lured the phantom in.
[Duh, duh, duh]
Duh, duh, duh…
[Duh, duh, duh]
Even the teacher was a little hyper.
[Duh, duh, duh]
For example, she was on the ceiling and she was bouncing off the walls, literally.
[Duh, duh, duh]
“Great idea for getting us cake pops, Abby!” (They said sarcastically.)
[Duh, duh, duh]
Hyperactivity is never good in a class that should be calm.
[Duh, duh, duh]
“I forgot what I was going to say to him,” said Max.
[Duh, duh, duh]
“Jokes on you!” he also said.
[Duh, duh, duh]
“Kake?” he also said.
[Duh, duh, duh]
“Let’s go over the work we did today,” said Abby.
[Duh, duh, duh]
Madeline said, “Nicki Minaj’s laugh is scary.” (Everyone laughed at that.)
[Duh, duh, duh]
Nobody knew that Madeline was gonna be right.
[Duh, duh, duh]
“Oh my god!” Everyone said when they heard her laugh.
[Duh, duh, duh]
“Phantom, phantom, come out, come out wherever you are. Please leave us alone. We just want to write,” said Abby.
[Duh, duh, duh]
“Quit it!” said Max, Izy, and Madeline, having different ideas of how to stop the phantom.
[Duh, duh, duh]
“RICKY WANTS CAKE POP!” said the phantom, whose name was obviously Ricky.
[Duh, duh, duh]
So Madeline brought out her pokeball and said, “Go Nicki Minaj! Use hysterical laughter to make the phantom scared.”
[Duh, duh, duh]
“Tut, tut, tut,” Queen Elizabeth said coming into the room without any warning.
[Duh, duh, duh]
Umbrellas started to rain from the ceiling and out of nowhere, Queen Elizabeth jumped into the air and instead of floating down slowly like Mary Poppins, she fell down and hit her head on a chair.
[Duh, duh, duh]
Ventilation was unheard of at the time, and some poison gas filled the room.
[Duh, duh, duh]
“Writers! Writers! Quick! Everyone evacuate. We must escape this spooky mess of a room,” pleaded Abby.
[Duh, duh, duh]
Xylophones kept Madeline, Izy, and Max in the room. It was the alarm to say that they had forgotten their devices!
[Duh, duh, duh]
“Young people could never live without their devices,” said Madeline.
[Duh, duh, duh]
Zoe Lusk came into the room and rescued everyone but the phantom. He died a very unpeaceful death.
The End