Chapter 1: Evacuate! “Ring, Ring!” The lunch bell rang and all the students of the Potato School filed together inside the cafeteria to eat lunch. William, a young potato child, sat down on a […]
Chapter 1: Evacuate!
“Ring, Ring!” The lunch bell rang and all the students of the Potato School filed together inside the cafeteria to eat lunch. William, a young potato child, sat down on a table to eat his yummy ham and cheese sandwich. Shortly after he took his second bite out of his sandwich, he heard a “THUMP, THUMP, THUMP.” The ground shook fiercely.
“Oh my!” a potato child exclaimed.
“What is happening?” another said. And all the potato children ran outside their school and saw huge pieces of floppy laces with what looked like shoes attached to them. (The potatoes themselves usually just wore t-shirts and shorts.) Then they saw humans! William felt very scared at the moment. He shivered.
“Ahhhhhhh!!!” Everybody screamed including the humans because they were so surprised to see talking potatoes. So all the potato children and potato teachers went to the evacuation center and pressed a big red button that set an alarm off to every building in Potato Land. Every Potato Land citizen knew exactly what it meant. They all went to an underground hole and sat there.
Chapter 2: William Barely Escapes the Hands of a Human!
For days and days they sat in that big hole. Until one day brave William thought to himself, we can’t just hide here forever, someone has to stop the humans from destroying our land! So William carefully climbed out of the emergency hole and went out to stop the humans!
“William?” his parents called out. Where are you?”
“Oh no. I guess he went exploring again,” his mom said. His parents were used to him getting lost.
“Oooh, what is this?” A human had come to William and had been licking his lips.
“Ahhhh!” screamed William. He slowly looked up and saw a human looking down hungrily at him. “Please don’t eat me,” whimpered William, his braveness fading.
“What else do you think I will do?” boomed the human. “Not eat you? Ha ha ha!”
William scrambled up to the top of a building barely escaping the hands of a big scary human.
Chapter 3: William Creates a Team!
He went back to the hole and thought about going outside again to fight the humans but he realized that he would need a team. As he climbed back into the hole, his parents rushed over to him.
“What were you thinking, William?!” cried William’s dad.
“We were so worried about you!” said his mom while hugging him tightly.
“I was trying to save Potato Land. Our land! But I will need a team to fight the humans and to keep them from eating us,” said William.
So William went to find some people to join his team. First, he went to find his friends, but when he found them they were so cowardly that they wouldn’t even come out to see him. So then William went to find some random people in the deep dark hole who were brave and adventurous to join his team. At last he found four other potato children who volunteered to help fight the big, bad humans! There were two girls and two boys.
“Hello everyone.” William said. “Thank you for coming and joining my team! I am very grateful for that. Shall we call ourselves The Brave?” Everybody nodded in agreement. “Then great! Let’s go!” The Brave set off into the dark night trying to wake the humans from their sleep.
Chapter 4: Defeating the Humans!
It turns out, the humans made a whole city out of Potato Land! Oh no! thought William. He saw some humans clustered around his school using hammers to break it down and turn it into a new building!
“Over there!” William told his team. They rushed toward the humans and started hitting them. William had lots of bad luck because he saw the human who tried to eat him earlier! Oh no. William thought. Had he come to try and eat me again?
“Hey!” said the human who tried to eat William. “Aren’t you the tasty potato that I tried to eat earlier?”
“No offense, but you do look very tasty.”
“I take offense very much!” said William.
“Hey, let’s get on with fighting them,” whispered one of his teammates.
“Okay, sorry,” answered William. The potato children charged at the humans and surprised them but when they hit the humans, the humans didn’t feel a thing.
“AAARRRGGGHHH,” William shouted so loudly that the humans flew back from the impact.
“How did you do that?” His teammates asked.
“I… don’t know.” William said, just as surprised as them.
“Get him!” cried the human who tried to eat William.
“Run!” William told his team.
“I shall defeat them once and for all!” “YYYEEEAAAHHH!!!” Once again, William did the cry so loud this time even louder than the first one and all the humans around them flew back millions of miles away from them.
Chapter 5: Announcing the Hero of the Day!
“YES!” his whole team yelled. “WOO-HOO!”
“We did it!!!” All the potatoes in Potato Land crowded the hero of the day. The mayor himself came up to William and told every potato in the land that William was the hero of the day and from then on, he and his team were called, “The Mighty Brave.”
The End
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Good job A hehehehehehehehehehehe its me yes lol ok byeeeeeeeeee
I really like your book. I thought it was adventurous and funny. I really liked how the potatoes saved there land. I think if you can you should try making another one. Good Book!
Your my age and you published a book so proud of you!!
Nice book Avery!!! I really like the creativity!
Avery congrats
Love this fun, creative story, Avery! And also love that the hero is a potato, because I know how much you love potatoes (eating them that is ;). Keep up the great writing! Love Jin
Oh My Gosh Avery that was AMAZING!! I loved the potato children and the world of Potato City!!
That is so funny! (say’s one of the defeated big bad humans!)
Awesome Book! Thanks
Love!! This is so beautiful and heartfelt! I wish more people read this work of art ❤️