The Thing

by Sammy Bialkin, age 11
The Thing Sammy is from New York. He likes food, especially steak.

“There I am, Jerald, 11 years old. I live in a small town called Shuster, and it’s haunted. Well, I think it is, but nobody believes me. No one believes me because I am not popular. There have been 150 deaths this month at least, and nobody knows who it is. Only I know who it actually was, but no one bothers to listen to me.”


Chapter One

There I am, Jerald, 11 years old. I live in a small town called Shuster, and it’s haunted. Well, I think it is, but nobody believes me. No one believes me because I am not popular. There have been 150 deaths this month at least, and nobody knows who it is. Only I know who it actually was, but no one bothers to listen to me.

There I am in school with my friends, and we’re called the nerds, and there are bullies whose names are Henry Frederick, Bob Dillion, and Harold McFerstein. Harold has actually killed someone, but he only got suspended. They go up to my friend Will, and they call him four eyes and other names, and they especially bullied Jerry (also my friend), and my last friend Carolina. People called her very bad names because she’s done bad stuff.

I forgot to tell you this thing about my grandma. One day, it was gusting winds from the west and the east, and something took her somewhere, and now everybody says she’s dead. I hate when people say that because I know in my heart that she’s somewhere out there.

My friends and I get ready to go home on our bikes, but guess who we see?! The bullies. Robert Frost, the new kid. It’s his first day here. He left his last school because they called him fat. He always studies in the library after school. He goes in the shed to get another newspaper about all the people who died 37 years ago, but all of the sudden, the lights flash off. This thing with no head appears, and it says, “Come here Robert.” At first, I didn’t believe him, but I went with it. It starts screaming, and the creepy music plays. It runs after me and turns into my grandma.


Chapter Two

I outran it somehow and was out of breath. The librarian came down and asked me what I was doing, and she had a bad expression on her face. I ran away from her. I think she knew what happened to me and is behind that thing looking like my grandma. I don’t know actually. I am just traumatized from what happened before.

I bike home, and I hear something coming from the basement. The wood is making a weird noise, and I see her. My grandma is staring right at me. She says, “Do you want some cookies?” She starts screaming and charges at me in a flash, and I run as fast as the wind and get away by a fingernail. I try not to look at my mom because I really want to go to my friend’s house right away to talk about what happened, but of course she pulls me over to talk about my day. I try to tell her it’s not the time, but she loves bothering me, so I have to sit down with her for 20 minutes.

Finally, I am done with the talk, and I get to go to my friend’s house. I ride my bike there, and I see the librarian, but she looks different. She is all dolled up and just different all around. Anyway, I don’t ask questions. I go straight to my friend’s house and talk to them, and the strange thing was that we all got attacked by a monster that turned into my grandma. We are convinced this is what happened to all the dead kids.

We all went to my basement and tried to find this thing, but we needed some weapons and armor. We went in the basement, and after all, it was just my dog Harold. We came back upstairs, and we put our stuff back on a table, and we are all so relieved we don’t have to do this fight right now.

We all go back home, and night comes. I go to the bathroom before I sleep, and I hear a noise, and it’s getting louder. I think it is my grandma!!! I close the door, and then I turn around. It’s right there, and it’s my grandma. I say, “Hell nah,” and run fast as can. I go to my mom, looking like I am going to hyperventilate.

She asks what’s going on, and I say, “This thing. It’s trying to kill me.”

“That’s child’s play. There’s no such thing,”

“We will see about that.”

It’s 11 o’clock. I asked her if I can sleep with her since I was scared of the thing. I woke up and saw my mom in the shower, and I checked her pulse. She was dead. Oh no. My life is ruined. No mom. Only a dad now who’s not really there for me. I mourned for seven days, and I went back to school with my sweatshirt over my hair. I saw my friends and the bullies, and I ignored them the whole rest of the day.

My friends came up to me at the end of the day, and they asked why I was feeling down in the dumps. I said, “My mom died.” They quickly started apologizing, but I didn’t listen to them, so I walked home. The next day, I apologized to my friends about yesterday, and they understood. My friends and I were in the library because we had study hall, and we heard something downstairs, and we all knew what it was.


Chapter Three

The thing is here. We must finish it off once and for all. We take all our dictionaries and head downstairs. It’s right there, and it looks like a giant chocolate chip cookie. We start to nibble on it, and suddenly, it turns into my grandma.

She says, “Your cookies are ready,” and she starts attacking us with her big, fat, intimidating teeth and slobber coming from her nose. I strike her with a dictionary, and she dodges it and bites Carolina. She quickly falls on the floor and starts bleeding from her leg, and my grandma starts laughing creepily.

Then, from above, our librarian comes down and whacks my grandma in the head with a history book. She says, “That’s knowledge.”

The End


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