The Watch

by Yipeng Sun, age 8
The Watch Yipeng is a fourth grader in Washington, D.C. He likes to play tennis. He also enjoys writing stories like this one at Writopia Lab!

“Once there was a boy who was 15 years old. He wanted a phone, but his mom had no money for buying the phone. One day his mom wanted the boy to buy a phone, so she gave him a clock. The clock was big, red, and gold.”

Once there was a boy who was 15 years old. He wanted a phone, but his mom had no money for buying the phone. One day his mom wanted the boy to buy a phone, so she gave him a clock. The clock was big, red, and gold. The boy was out of the home. He was sitting in the street, waiting for someone to buy the clock, but no one bought the clock. Every day, he was waiting. Every day, no one bought either. He tried to lower the price, but still no person bought the clock. 

Four months later, he was still trying to sell the big, red, and gold clock.

After five hours, a man told him, “You can’t sell out here because there are many shops that are selling clocks.”

The boy thought and thought. He had a solution.

When he got home, he said to his mom, “We can let another one buy our house, and we will use the money and buy a lower-priced house, and the money that is leftover is for a phone.”

His mom said, “No, because this home is the lowest priced in this community. We would never find another home.”

His mom had an idea! 

She said, “I can have a job.”

So, in the next two weeks, his mom began looking for a job. After five weeks, his mom found a job with the police department. After a month, his mom got $2,454 dollars, but the phone was $1,000 dollars. So, there was money leftover.

One day, she gave him an iPhone X, and the boy was very happy.

He yelled, “I have a phone! I have a phone!”


  • Yipeng says:

    Within a few months, the improvement and achievements of yipeng are visible. We will continue to join your team and work together

  • Yipeng Sun says:

    Within a few months, the improvement and achievements of yipeng are visible. We will continue to join your team and work together

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