
By Katherine F. age 9
Elimination Katherine Fisher, a native San Franciscan, is nine years old and currently lives in Westchester County, New York, with her older brother and sister, her parents, and her beloved dog Mak. She loves reading, writing, math, and competing in gymnastics. Katherine talks so much, it’s a wonder she has time to write all her ideas down!

“And it smelled of all nature.
Fragile leaves nesting on the ground.
Crunch, crunch, crunch, I hear.
Footsteps following me.”

It was large,



And it smelled of all nature.

Fragile leaves nesting on the ground.

Crunch, crunch, crunch, I hear.

Footsteps following me.

I jump up the damp tree trunk to hide.

But it wasn’t a human-

No, a small robin scrounging for food under the thick layer of leaves.

I jump down into a freshly fallen pile of leaves,

and they spew everywhere.

I see a small grey squirrel trying to gather the nuts fallen from the giving tree.

This tree was different:





This is why I love fall.

This is why,





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