She’s Dead

by Sofia Cifuentes, age 11
She’s Dead Sofia Cifuentes is a brilliant writer who has written pieces such as a wonderful novella about Fufflabella and Bronco the Donkey, two star-crossed lovers. When writing, she likes to draw turtles on every available surface.

“Long, tangled red hair / Braided with pale purple flowers / A face as pale as death / Makes sense. She’s dead.”


Long, tangled red hair

Braided with pale purple flowers

A face as pale as death

Makes sense. She’s dead.


Braided with pale purple flowers

Petals scattered across a bloody red wound

Makes sense. She’s dead

Wide staring gray eyes, perpetually surprised


Petals scattered across a bloody red wound

Pale lavender soaking up the red

Wide staring gray eyes, perpetually surprised

Watching a killer, long gone


Pale lavender soaking up the red

Long, tangled red hair

A killer, long gone

A face as pale as death


Makes sense.

She’s dead.


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