The Wise Old Tree

by Joah Karnik Kraft, age 11
The Wise Old Tree Joah is a sixth grader from Bethesda, Maryland. He likes writing and reading fantasy stories. He loves reading and wants to be a fantasy author when he grows up. Through Writopia, he has discovered his interest in filmmaking and poetry.

“Yet through all of this
I have learned my lesson,
I will live through my life
No matter what”

I watch over my home

Yet am defenseless

To protect the land so rightfully I own,

I have seen my world

Change over time,

Have grown from but

A little sapling,

I have wizened and stretched

This knowledge of mine,

I have watched as my friends

Have perished and died,

Yet through all of this

I have learned my lesson,

I will live through my life

No matter what

Throughout my time

A lesson you shall learn,

My old friend

Through time,

Through time


  • Sonali says:

    This is so beautiful! Absolutely love this thought-provoking piece

  • Tina Williams says:

    Oh my! This is impressive indeed!

  • Wizened is exactly what your poem is!! Great work!

  • Sonali says:

    Joah – this is the most beautiful poem!! I am so proud of you. Your wisdom far exceeds your age, love you!

  • Adina Anton says:


    This is lovely. You have talent . Keep writing.

    • Joyce Kraft says:

      We are so proud of Joah and his many accomplishments! His poem is wise and thought-provoking! As his Grand-Parents we have been, and are always amazed by Joah! He starting reading at age 3! We love him to the Moon and…to the “Galaxies “and back! By the time he was age 4 or 5 -yrs Old, the Moon seemed too close for Joah’s young mind and wisdom!
      Love, Nana & Pappap

  • Manisha says:

    Joah your maturity exceeds your age, So proud of you !

  • Joyce & Ken Kraft says:

    We are so very proud of Joah❣️
    He loves to read and we were amazed when Joah starting reading at just 3yrs-old!! He is a very wise boy! We,
    as his Nana & PaPap, love him to the Moon and “Galaxies” and back…

  • Joyce Kraft says:

    We are so proud of Joah and his many accomplishments! His poem is wise and thought-provoking! As his Grand-Parents we have been, and are always amazed by Joah! He starting reading at age 3! We love him to the Moon and…to the “Galaxies “and back! By the time he was age 4 or 5 -yrs Old, the Moon seemed too close for Joah’s young mind and wisdom!
    Love, Nana & Pappap

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