Sophie Style 1: The Big Move

“Knock em dead! Knock em dead!” he screamed, moving the remote. I was so surprised David wasn’t curled up in a ball in his room. He was eating chips and salsa like a normal person! Weird.

“Hi,” Lily waved at my siblings. “I’m Sophie’s friend, Lily.”

Andrew gestured his hand to say go away. She didn’t quite get my family isn’t exactly friendly. At all!

“I think we should go upstairs,” I murmured as I started up the stairs. Lily followed, smiling at David who was carelessly throwing a chip in his mouth watching TV.

“Who’s that?” she asked.

“My brother, David,” I answered.

“He’s hot, right?” asked Lily.

“Um….. I’m sorry but he hasn’t taken a shower since he was born. And he’s never talked to a girl except my mom since she….” I paused.

“Are you okay?” asked Lily looking at my face as I stared at a picture of my mom on the anniversary before she died.

“Can I tell you a secret I only tell best friends?” I asked, plopping on my bed.

Lily nodded and sat in the chair by my desk.

“My parents…. They passed away. When I was umm… young. I live with my grandparents,” I startled myself. I’d only known her for like a day and we were already best friends!

“Oh. I’m so sorry. I mean, I have something to tell you. This is our 1st and last whole day of fun. I’m going to a sleepaway camp for three weeks this summer but don’t worry, we’ll hang when school starts,” smiled Lily.

I shrugged. I can’t tell her! I can’t tell her! What am I gonna do????? I can’t say I’m moving.  “Fine by me! I’ll miss you,” my teeth gritted as I kept saying in my head, Can’t say it! It would ruin it!

I packed my stuff for the sleepover. I closed my bag with a zipper. I gazed at my room, looking for something. I brought my dad’s old teddy bear. I call him Charlie. When he belonged to my dad, his name was Mr. Rumples. But my dad’s name was Charlie so I call him Charlie. I petted Sweetie Pie. We left and Grandma agreed to drive us to Lily’s.

“Thanks Grandma,” I told her as I got in the car with Lily. As we passed Harbor Lane, I saw a cemetery. There, in gray cobblestone, were the words Melissa Resnick. A few tears dropped.

“Graham Cracker, what’s wrong?” asked Grandma.

“Stop the car!” I shouted. “That… is mommy’s grave,” I whispered.

We looked in the corner and saw it. I took out the box of gummy bears from my duffel bag and placed it on her grave.

“You should have this,” I mumbled, giving her the gummies. Then I turned to my dad’s grave.

“I don’t need Mr. Rumples,” another tear dropped as I gave him his bear. I hopped in the car. We then went to Lily’s house. We were then greeted by Angel Pony.

“Hi sweetie!” me and Lily said together. She licked me.

Phoebe smiled.

“Hey Lily, hi Sophia. Or are you called Sophie?” asked Phoebe stroking Angel Pony’s fur.

“Sophie’s good,” I smiled, blinking back a leftover tear.

“Hello Sugar Plum, have a seat,” smiled Mrs. Largesburg. “It’s so great our darling Lily has a friend to go to school with,” she explained, sitting down and gulping some seltzer down.

“Yes, totally!” I tried to sound real as I bit my finger. “Ouch!” I hollered. My finger was bleeding. Mrs. Largesburg grabbed a band aid.

“So… “ she said after handing me the bandage. “How bout a game of monopoly?” she asked. I looked at it, smirking! Free from Grandpa monopoly. I could play real monopoly and get a chance of winning? I was glad I hadn’t told Lily yet.

“Yes!” I nodded in agreement.

“Really? I didn’t know you liked math?” questioned Lily, setting up the board.

“What piece do you want to be?” asked Austin as he entered the kitchen.

“The race car!” I shouted. “I’m going to win this game in action!” I shouted, feeling very free at the moment.

“I’ll be the top hat. I always pick the top hat!” explained Lily placing her piece on go.

“I’ll be the thimble. I always loved knitting,” grinned Phoebe as she, too, put the thimble on Go. I’d never felt as happy as that one moment. Then, my worst feelings took over. I wasn’t going to live like this in California. I thought as I remembered the virtual fight between Gina and me.

After a while, I had won! It was the best night ever. I saw my parents! I won monopoly! I had a hotel on Boardwalk Avenue!

I was so happy, tears of happiness came out.

“Girls, I’m going to put Austin to sleep. Stay up all night if you’d like, but stay in your rooms, please,” she whispered to me, Lily, and Phoebe. I grabbed the Tostitos from my bag and we huddled up by the TV screen, laughing and talking. Yes, that’s right. She had a TV in her bedroom! Lucky. I felt like Lily’s house was a whole other world. Her room was painted a pretty pastel color purple and she had bean bag chairs in every corner. She had a canopy bed in the middle, where Angel Pony lay napping. The floor was covered in a pink floral, fuzzy rug.

“So…. I’ve been packing for sleepaway camp this whole time,” she smiled, showing me her trunks. My phone dinged. It was Eric. This was what he texted:


Hey Sophie, sorry 2 bother u but u said we were good for tomrow nite and some gurl named Valerie posted a pick of u and someone kissing. Are we still good? Are u cheating on me. (I know it’s not even r first date yet but plz answer) Eric;)


“Oh my gosh! How dare she?” I checked my phone glancing at my dream man’s text.

“What?” asked Lily popping another tostito in her mouth.

“A girl totally sabotaged my date with my dream boy,” I explained quickly, writing back:


OMG!!! That girl is my arch enemy.. She had a fite with me this morning and she hates me. I think she has a crush on you or something but i’ve never kissed a boy. I’m so frustrated. I hope I can still grab froyo with you tmorow. :(Sophie


“That’s terrible!” screamed Lily, jumping off a blue bean bag chair.

“I know. I  just hope our date isn’t canceled,” I nervously stated.

“I can’t really give you advice because I don’t know what that feels like but he sounds like a nice guy if he’s YOUR dream man so I think the date’s back on if you clearly state that you’re not cheating on him,” Lily suggested.

I nodded. Eric texted a wink and a yes. I smiled. He is such a sweet guy.

“He said yes,” I told Lily.

“Good!” Lily said, plopping back on the bean bag chair. “He probably got some sense into him that you’re a good person,” she said.

Good people would tell their friends if they’re moving as of a few days! The thought raced around in my head faster than you could snap.

“I guess I’m a good person” I whispered, as the thought continued to run, thriving in my brain.

“C’mon Soph! You’ve been by my side for two days. For the most part my BFF. After  camp we can come back looking all cool for 10th grade and wow all the kids and be cool” explained Lily.

“It’s not that simple to just be cool. You better watch out for Andrea Hillowatry. She can crush you. I mean, us,” I hesitated, but quickly remembered that I haven’t told her yet. Oh!!!! I really need to tell her! I really need to tell her. My sympathetic heart said no. It was too late now. She would be SO mad I hadn’t told her before.

“You ok?” asked Lily, turning on the TV. “I say another episode of Natural Beauty then bed,” she suggested, flipping through the channels.

“Sure. I guess. I’m fine! It’s just that my head is really hurting. I’m okay, though,” I smiled fakely. I knew she could tell by my teethy grin that I was faking.

Lily turned on the tv and a pop star walked on with her crew.

“Please welcome, Bianca Hills, Nicole and Anikka Simona, and Ella…. Mitchell” said Trench Dusherman, the host of Natural Beauty. They all waved. “These are co-stars of the pop star show Ella in L.A.! Our makeup artist, Tanya Bayer, will one by one take off their very well put-on makeup. You will then see how they look even without their little touch of colorful powder,” smiled Trench, smirking at the stars. I hated Natural Beauty! I mean, with my mom I used to watch it and love it and now she’s dead so…

“Lily,” I said not wanting to hear one more word from Trench or I’d die. “I’m so sleepy, can we go to bed?” I asked as I grabbed the remote and turned off the show before Tanya took off the last bit of Ella Mitchell’s makeup.

“Sure,” said Lily, popping one last chip on her tongue. “I’m tired too. Good luck with your date tomorrow,” smiled Lily falling asleep right on the bean bag chair.

I got a text. Still fully awake, I checked to see a text from Talia.


Hey girl! Gramma made me text u 2 tell u to come brite and erly back home tmorow mrning cause were startin to pack. See ya, Idc were you are.

Talia R.


I quickly told her thanks. I was packing… tomorrow. I better tell Lily tomorrow because she’s going to a summer camp program. Oh! It hurts, all this stuff jammed in your head when you don’t know what to do with it. I took a deep breath, running into the bathroom, which was locked.

“Someone’s in there!” whispered Phoebe from inside the bathroom.

“Okay,” I whispered back. She opened the door and let me in.

“You okay?” she asked, glancing at my face.

“Yeah, why?” I asked.

“Check the mirror. See ya tomato Sophie. I mean, tomorrow Sophie,” she called laughing.

I looked in the bathroom mirror to see my face – beet red. My cheeks were like tomatoes and my forehead looked like it was on fire. Maybe I was sick. Probably swelling. Mrs. Largesburg was downstairs. I went straight down.

“Is there a washcloth I could borrow?” I asked so I could put it on my forehead.

“Oh, you poor sweetheart. What happened to your head?” she asked, wetting a washcloth.

“I don’t know. I was going to the bathroom to think about something and then I checked the mirror and here I am,” I explained dabbing the cold cloth on my face. “Lily’s asleep,” I added before she asked.

“Okay sugar, let me get you some tylenol and then YOU should take a sleeping pill. It’s nearly 1:00,” she smiled with bags under her eyes. “I wish I could go to bed. I have to stay up waiting for Lily’s father to return from work so I can have dinner with him. Did you girls have dinner?” asked Mrs. Largesburg.

“No,” I shook my head. My tummy started to rumble.

“Have a banana,” she handed me the yellowest banana I’d ever seen. Spotless! I ate it in a quick few seconds.

“Go to bed, nightingale,” she grinned.

She just called me 3 things:




…I kinda liked it.

“Night” I replied. I headed for Lily’s room, plopping on her canopy bed which she forgot to sleep on. I sat down and my foot made a thump sound as I lay on the bed. Lily had a water bed!

Lily suddenly got up.

“Eww, Soph we forgot to brush our teeth!” Lily yawned and brushed her teeth. Her mom gave her a banana and we went back to sleep. Then shortly after, at 3:00, Lily woke up yet again to say, “Its not as comfy on the bean bag then on the bed,” and she shared the bed with me. Having someone who gets what they want all the time is not exactly the best friendship. Lily is sometimes a real pain! So, I was woken at 9 by Mrs. Largesburg telling me that my family called and wants me at the house to pack ASAP. Which didn’t go well because Lily heard and here I am, what do I say?

“Lily, I am really sorry I haven’t told you before but I’m moving to L.A In 2 days,” I blurted it all out and frowned.

“You, what? How am I supposed to survive at school without you? Why haven’t you told me?” howled Lily.

“Look, my Grandma got a good job notice there and it wasn’t my decision. Some people don’t always get what they want,” I said with a tear. I shouldn’t have said that. I went on. “I didn’t want to tell you because I thought would ruin our friendship.” Another tear dropped. I had said it. The words were all out. This answer from Lily could be hurtful. I crossed my fingers.

“Well, you ruined our friendship right there!” yelled Lily and she stormed off. That ended well. I thought sarcastically, as I grabbed my bags. A tear dropped. I dropped a piece of paper with my phone number on it because I would probably never see her again. Another tear dropped. Then another. I was really crying! I hadn’t cried since my dad died. I wiped away the tears and Mrs. Largesburg gave me a tight squeeze bye and Grandma drove me away.

“Rats! We’re an hour late. In two days were leaving to California and you have barely packed!” shouted Grandma.

“I’ve packed lots of boxes and I don’t have much stuff” I reasoned.

“Good point, but get in the car, child,” she screeched and snorted.


I packed more boxes for 4 hours until I was finally done! My room looked like a block of dust with a sleeping bag on the floor. Even my bed was in the moving truck already. My phone dinged. It was Gina.


Hi Soph,

I’m so sorry about that with Rosa. She can make me feel bad, too. I wanna make up so bad! After all, I talked with Grandma and you live across the street from me. You’ll also go to my school, Rosa is moving this year anyways. <3 <3 <3 Gina F.


I thought for a second. We would basically live together. I didn’t want to have an enemy besides Valerie my whole life. Then again, I might never see Valerie because Grandpa caught her using his bathroom and she claimed the other one wasn’t working so he made them break up. I think they’re still texting, though. I decided to forgive her. But I could never be friends with her because she was only friends with me solely to get boys. But before I left, I wanted to make sure that I did the nice thing.


It’s okay! We weren’t going to stay mad long. We’re buds, remember? Buddies forever!




As my dad would have said if he knew I forgave her, he would say,

“You took the high road, Sport. You really did,” and he’d grin.


After a while, It was time to get ready for my date. I wore my date clothes and headed to F4L, Froyo 4 Life. I decided to call a car service because it’s a long way from there. The driver came right away. He drove me there in like 5 minutes. When I got there, Eric was already there.

“Hi,” I smiled awkwardly into his dreamy blue eyes.

“Hey,” he looked at me back.

“What type of Froyo do you want?” asked Eric.

“I’ll have Oreo,” I suggested, moving my eyes from Eric to the list.

“Small Oreo, two spoons!” Eric grinned. We sat down. “So, I hear there is a new girl coming to Rumbling Acres,” Eric broke the silence of us eating the delicious frozen yogurt.

“Yeah, I mean she’s a little baloney but ummm yeah,” I answered, looking at his luscious blonde hair.

“That’s okay. Everyone’s got their drama,” he sighed, grabbing his leather jacket.

“Definitely,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Haha” he giggled.

“Ding!” Eric’s phone dinged.

“Oh darn, this is bad,” he muttered.

“What?” I asked.

“I have to go!” he whispered, putting his phone back.

This was my chance. I needed to tell him I was moving.

“Wait… I have something to tell you!” I caught him.

“Me too. I’ll go first.”

I nodded. I would have time to think of a better way to tell him than how I told Lily.

“So, in two days, I’m moving to L.A.,” Eric blurted out.

“Hahaha! You knew my secret. I am too!! That was what I needed to tell you. OMG! Yay. I’m moving tomorrow, you?” I asked.

“Same!” yelled Eric, louder than ever.

We got quiet.

“See you in L. A.,” he smiled. His face began getting closer and closer to my face and then suddenly his lips touched my cheek. He actually, literally, kissed me. I felt like the happiest girl alive! Good thing I am moving, Sophie, good thing.

The next morning I woke up to a brand new day. The sun was out. The birds chirped and I happily got out of bed.

“Morning Helen,” I overheard Grandpa say.

“Morning dear,” Grandma answered.

“Hello, Sophie. You seem happy,” smiled Grandma. She carried a tray of scrambled eggs.

“I need to practice carrying trays. I start my job tomorrow.” grinned Grandma.

“Here’s your breakfast, Ms. Resnick,” said Grandma cheerfully.

“Okay,” I responded.

Then Talia came prancing in. “Hello people. I so look forward to moving to L. A. Think! I could be the new Ariana Grande with one popular Youtube video!” smiled Talia.

“Yeah right!” yelled David barging in. Woah! I thought he was just acting weird the other day but he’s now become a real person. I can’t believe it!

“Hi Dave, breakfast?” asked Grandma giving him a smile.

“Sure.” He sat down next to Talia.

Then Andrew walked in with a heartache. “Oh my god! She used to sit there. Right there! Where Sophie is sitting? Move it. Me and Valerie need our privacy,” yelled Andrew, crashing into the empty kitchen.

We had a 6 seated table and a kitchen sink. That’s it. I was ready for the move.

We all finished breakfast.

“Ding dong!” the doorbell rang.

“Who is it?” yelled Grandpa.

“Movers!” screamed young men from outside the door. They brought us and the table into the truck along with everything else already in there.

We jumped into the back of the truck and waited. The movers were going to put the stuff in their company jet and fly them on a private faster plane to our house in boxes. They dropped us off at the airport. The security guards took my bags and I grabbed everything on the following list at that little shop in the airport. Grandpa let us shop around till the plane came.


Band aids (We ran out of bandaids just yesterday)

A new pack of gummies

Floss (Grandma threw it out thinking that they were solely sticky string. She never uses floss. Eww right?)

Tic Tacs


More candy (a lot more candy)


A sandwich (I am allergic to airplane food)



I went to register.

“Hi sweets. I’m Anastatia. What would your name be?” asked the lady quietly.

“I am Sophie.” I smiled. “Moving to California.”

Anastasia snorted at me. A familiar face was at the counter. She wasn’t talking to me.

“Hey Sophie,” the familiar face grinned handsomely. It was Eric.

“Eric! Hi” I responded. He lay his stuff on the counter.

“What time’s your flight?” he asked.

“12:00,” I answered as the lady handed him a receipt.

“Me too!” he smiled.

We were on the same flight! This day couldn’t get any better. The lady handed me a bag and me and Eric headed for the gate.

Uh oh! I thought. He’s going to see my grandparents at the gate! I hope Grandma is still shopping because she’ll embarrass me like crazy. Grandpa, too. He’s going to go meddling like a total lunatic.

“Also, can we not sit by my parents?They read your profiles from last year and you’re, like, an A+ student. They’re going to keep asking you questions like ‘Could you tutor Eric? You know?” he asked grabbing my hand and heading to gate C7.

“Okay,” I answered looking around for the gate code. This was a dream come true. We sat down far from our parents and grandparents.  It was awkward. Lot’s of awkward silence. Finally, our gate was called. Phew! Awkward silence break. I grabbed my suitcase and got in line with my family, with Eric behind me and Talia in front of me.

“Who’s the hot dude?” Talia whispered with a dreamy stare at Eric.

“A friend,” I smiled. She still didn’t take her eyes off his face. I wouldn’t blame her. I didn’t want her messing with my Eric! We hopped on the plane.

“Bye bye, Westchester! Hello, L. A!” I shouted, finding my seat on the plane. It was right across from Eric and behind David and Andrew. Talia sat with a young man who spoke Spanish. She moaned but she would never trade a seat with me. My seat had an old lady next to it. She was so big she took up two seats!

“Ma’am this is my seat,” I tried to say politely.

“Oh sorry, sweets,” smiled the lady, tooting on my seat. I held my nose tightly and sat down.

In about an hour we were up in air and it was lunch time. Knowing that the airplane food was a gross as chicken with meat sauce and bologna melted into a sandwich with cheese (that was exactly the menu), I had brought a cheese sandwich. Which isn’t so complex and gross. JUST SAYIN! The dessert was much better. I brought cupcakes just in case the dessert was bad but there i was eating my chocolate chip cookie as I play Mad Libs with Talia.

“Adverb,” I yelled behind me.

“What’s an adverb again?” asked Talia brushing her hair with a toothbrush. Blech!

“Nevermind,” I whispered. She’s eighteen. She should know an adverb from an adjective. I plugged in my earplugs and drifted off to sleep.

The next thing I knew I felt a tapping sound on my forehead. It was Grandpa banging on me.

“Kidlet! We are here. C’mon, wake up!” he screamed.

I was the last one off the plane. Grabbing my big bags, I got off. It was 12:00 in the afternoon, California time. I was ready to see Gina once again. Ready to begin a new L. A. life.

2 thoughts on “Sophie Style 1: The Big Move”

  1. WOW! This is a great story I LOVE it! Not just because the author has my name but it is just…awesome! I cant wait to read the second book! And this book makes me feel that I want to by it! JUST WOW!!!

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