P.W. (9 years old) likes to write about many things, including everything. He loves to read comics, play video games, and basketball. His goal is to publish a big book with small fonts. He hopes it will be a huge best-seller in no time.
“1. Don’t die on purpose! 2. Don’t throw knives! 3. Don’t juggle more than zero knives!”
- Don’t die on purpose!
- Don’t throw knives!
- Don’t juggle more than zero knives!
- Don’t look into a hose if the water suddenly turns off!
- Don’t throw around money!
- Don’t hug a famous guy or girl if they have bodyguards!
- Don’t bleed!
- Don’t peel off your scabs!
- Don’t play tag on a bridge!
- Don’t pass a ball to a stranger who is not looking at you!
- Don’t punch someone for no reason!
- Don’t punch someone that you have never seen before and have never talked to!
- Don’t tell a kidnapper that has kidnapped you that you’re gonna run away if you can!
- Don’t kick a TV!
- Don’t kick an iPad!
- Don’t kick a computer!
- Don’t punch a TV!
- Don’t punch an iPad!
- Don’t punch a computer!
- Don’t kick a cat!
- Don’t rob a bank if you already have a lot of money!
- Don’t rob a bank at all!
- Don’t think you will get good grades without studying!
- Don’t walk into the president’s bathroom!
- Don’t use the president’s bathroom!
- Don’t call this book stupid.
- Don’t call the awesome guy who wrote this book stupid!
- Don’t drink all the liquids at someone’s house if you’re visiting!
- Don’t eat all the food at someone’s house if you’re visiting!
- Don’t sell a car that has three wheels!
- Don’t sell a car that has two wheels!
- Don’t sell a car that has one wheel!
- Don’t sell a car that has zero wheels!
- Don’t drive a car under age!
- Don’t drive a car that has zero wheels!
- Don’t drive a car that has one wheel!
- Don’t drive a car that has two wheels!
- Don’t drive a car that has three wheels!
- Don’t trick or treat when it’s not Halloween!
- Don’t shake your booty in public!
- Don’t give away your money!
- Don’t change your name to “Butt.”
- Don’t change your name to “Fart!”
- Don’t change your name to “Stupid Guy!”
- Don’t take off your clothes in public!
- Don’t change your name to “Better-than-you” just so that when you introduce yourself, you can say “Hi, I’m ‘Better-than-you’”!
- Don’t name your kid “Butt!”
- Don’t name your kid “Fart!”
- Don’t name your kid “Stupid Guy!”
- Don’t be stupid!
- Never say, “I’m a potato, a Kawaii Potato!”
- Don’t say everything backwards on Backwards Day!
- Don’t poop on the side of the toilet!
- Don’t poop on the floor!
- Don’t eat stuff you find inside a toilet!
- Don’t eat stuff you find on the side of a toilet!
- Don’t eat stuff you find in a bathroom!
- Don’t step on a snake!
- Don’t feed your finger to a bunny!
- Don’t feed your finger to a squirrel!
- Don’t throw a pencil!
- Don’t look up at birds when they are making turds!
- Don’t juggle more than zero sticks of dynamite!
- Don’t throw dynamite at your pets!
- Don’t vote for You-Know-Who!
- Don’t throw sharp stuff at strangers!
- Don’t throw stuff at strangers!
- Don’t throw sharp stuff at people for no reason!
- Don’t jump out of an airplane thinking you can walk on clouds!
- Don’t walk around in your underpants!
- Don’t throw underpants at people!
- Don’t throw toilet paper at people!
- Don’t break everything in sight!
- Don’t make promises you can’t keep!
- Don’t jump into wet cement!
- Don’t jump into cement!
- Don’t jump out of the window!
- Don’t jump out of window onto a person!
- Don’t pick your nose while you’re making a sandwich!
- Don’t throw full diapers at people!
- Don’t throw diapers at people!
- Don’t lie to a cop!
- Don’t go to school sick!
- Don’t tell cheesy jokes!
- Don’t go to work sick!
- Don’t say the exact thing that someone just said to you if you’re trying to make a comeback!
- Don’t say this book only has 100 rules because 100 rules is a lot!
- Don’t keep a light on in a house when he don’t need it!
- Don’t not buy this book!
- Don’t throw scissors!
- Don’t run with scissors!
- Don’t not call this book awesome!
- Don’t not dare your friends to do some of these rules!
- Don’t say to a liar that his/her nose is growing like Pinocchio’s!
- Don’t break something on purpose if it’s expensive!
- Don’t pour water on someone when they’re sleeping!
- Don’t play a prank on someone if the prank will make that her/him really mad!
- Don’t be stupid!
- Don’t pull the trigger of a gun without looking at where you’re pointing the gun!
- Don’t go places screaming and making weird noises!!!