Emotion Poems

by Mylee Rhow, age 8
Emotion Poems MyLee has two sisters, two parents, and a puppy. Dogs are her favorite animal. She loves pizza and mozzarella mac n cheese. Her favorite book is Dog in Charge.

“I feel very angry / Red’s the color of my face / I slam my door / I stomp my feet / Like a stubborn flea”



I feel very angry

Red’s the color of my face

I slam my door

I stomp my feet

Like a stubborn flea

Anger is trash bad

Sometimes I am angry

Because I am hungry

My stomach roars like a lyin’ lion

And sometimes I just am mad

Today I am feelin’ angry



I am shy

My name is fluttershy

I try to cover my face

I want the sky

To be dark

And this will be all done

I do not speak loud

And proud

I speak shyly

And softly

I never get happy or mad

I usually am shy or sad

I am very shy



Today I am sad

I feel like rain is dripping

From my eye

I am not glad

I am sad

I want to cry

In my pillow

With my fiddle

I’ll play sad music

While I droop on my bed

So like I said

Today I am sad



The sun is out

And I am happy

I am glad

Not sad

Or mad

I’ll smile big and wide

And play outside

With friends and family

And dance happily

Today I feel happy             



I am silly

I tell a joke

I go crazy

I pretend I’m a goat

I’m very lazy

After I go crazy

That’s why I am silly


In love!!

I’m in love

When I see my love

I blush

And I feel like a chump

I wish I can hug him so much

I want to be a chipmunk

With my honey bun

I am very in love

With the beautiful dove!

Heaven is above

And so is my love!

Love is in the air

Like you just don’t care!!!



I am jealous

 Sometimes l’m


Because my friend

Has bread

That I want

But remember

Be grateful for what you got!

Then you will be happier

Amen glory be!



I am very giggly

And jiggly

I laugh

And laugh

Loud like a lion’s roar

Till I start to


When my friend

Makes a joke

l start to choke

I am giggly



I am sleepy

My eyes are drooping

I will die on my bed

I’ll dream


My body is gooping

I’ll fall asleep

And not open my eyes a peep

Now good night!



I am grateful for…




The grinch,




A pinch,

That’s what i am grateful for!



I am scared

Like a bear

Who stepped on his tail

In the air

Like you just don’t care!!

I am scary

Like a berry

that is scary!!!

I am scared



  • MyLee Rhow says:

    Hi MyLee, happy and proud to read your first published emotion poems. Your poems show exactly who you are. Very funny and some of typical expressions are hilarious ! Good job done by our 8yrs old family writer. Keep up the hilarious work like ” a stubborn flea”. I love you.
    Love, Halmuni

  • Daddy says:

    Wow – these are awesome!

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