Adventures of Emily
“The 25th daughter of Quadricles will discover that her power is stronger than the power of Varniduca.”
“The 25th daughter of Quadricles will discover that her power is stronger than the power of Varniduca.”
“Hey, sweetie, I know this is tough for you but I’m really proud of you for pulling through.”
”But if I get up to get a glass of water, you’ll steal the bed! LIKE YOU STEAL EVERYTHING ELSE!”
“The dragon brothers carefully entered the cave full of bats. They found out about the cave from Fred the Dwarf, a friend of the dragon brothers. They were exploring the cave, searching for the crystal of death. The Crystal of Death would give them the power to revive dead things, so they could revive friends and use it for good.”
“Jason fixed his shaggy hair and left the room. He was 19, and had to get back home to study. He was on the basketball team, but not considered buff. He had a short temper and always needed something to do.”
“Agent 37 patrolled the streets of New Nerf City. Agent 1 defended the city’s banks. Agent 99 scouted for Agent 37 and Agent 10 was the head of a Nerf army!!!”
“Space exploration, just flashy photos and flags? If you look closer than your or your parents’ black and white autographed photo, you will see that it has a much more purposeful purpose. Space exploration actually benefits the environment and the population, and it allows important new scientific discoveries to be made.”
“This house was not just your ordinary house. It had gone down in 1849. It had fancy golden arches all over it, and it was covered in vines.”
“I pulled and thrashed and tried my best to heave him off me. He was an evil piece of work. I socked him directly in his stomach, and he looked green, as if he was about to hurl. He donned patterns of wicked grins.”
Peter grabbed his coffee and put on his coat. “Another tiring day at work,” he mumbled to no one in particular. That is when the most unexpected thing happened. Two NSA agents appeared at the door of his apartment.
Once upon a time, a woman closed the door with a smack. She took some flour, milk, and butter out of the closet door. There was no one else in the room.
“There was a dog named Boa-Boa that lived with an owner named Alexandra. Alexandra had a baby named Margot. The baby was two years old. Boa-Boa wanted her owner to stay at home. Alexandra was always going to work.”
“She was even less impressed by the new layer of snow that sparkled boastfully on her front lawn. Every square foot of space in her mind was occupied by the heavy knowledge that the independent bookstore down the road now carried the first edition issue of New Moon Girls magazine.”
“The teacher gave me a nervous glance and let out a small giggle. Why was she laughing at me? I was only a 10-year-old in a first grade class. That’s when I realized how stupid that sounded. I was suddenly embarrassed.”
“I went to a camp called Camp Zelo. It’s named after Erik Zelo, the discoverer of the land. It’s been in their family for generations. It’s full of adventure and discovery and the family really liked me. I was one of the best campers and…you’re not even listening”
“Forever that word was folding creasing
making a documentation of itself
waiting along with all the other slips of paper
creased folded memorized sitting there untouched
a piece of paper lying on the ground
folded, waiting to be Unfolded”
“I ran into my room and went under the covers of my bed. I heard my parents’ footsteps coming closer and closer to my room. Then I finally heard the door open and I heard my name being called.”
““We got another fever, Taylor!” the doctor said. I sighed. The Fever had been going on for a while. So many people had gotten it. No one knew how it started. We couldn’t stop it. Many people had gone insane because of it. There was so much grieving and sadness. Everybody thinks it’s the apocalypse because no disease has ever been so bad. “
“Hello, my name is Chris. I am a 38-year-old writer and I am a tall American with brown hair and brown eyes. My works are published and popular. This is my story.”
“I have a secret. A really important secret. Nobody can know. My secret? I live in a closet. A small closet, with a door in the back. Behind that door hides a world full of adventures. And that world, that’s where I live. In a closet.”
““Ready?” Aliyah Goldstein asked her co-worker, Dennis Root. They were partners on the designing job for Verizon, using Dennis’s big imagination and Aliyah’s artistic talent. They were the perfect team. But we must go back to deep, deep history.”
“Henry had to sneak into the store and break into it at night. They had to prepare, to make weapons, like spears and guns. They were all busy working into the middle of the night until they broke in.”
“I’m Mandy Simon. I’m thirteen, I have brown hair, green eyes, I’m tall, I’m thin, shy, quiet, creative, calm, smart, and a witch.
What? You need me to repeat what I just said?
Oh. Okay.
I’m a witch.”
“On top of Mount Forgetfulness, a hooded figure looks down to the bottom. He is looking through the Ultimate Water Wheel, which is just like a regular water wheel except it has scoops on it and uses lava instead of water. The lava travels down and curves around to a place called Town Town where the lava is used in furnaces to make something for a secret government project called Pain.”
‘“I have never heard such a thing before!” I said.
My first name is James, but my whole name is James Leonard Olshansky. But I just prefer Dr. James. The sound I just heard is a type of Frankenstein-ish thingy but instead of Frankenstein I am resurrecting my daughter Clementine.”
“Grunt listened to the boring story. Grunt wanted to be outside playing with the big, loud wolves rather than staying inside a dusty and dark cave. He knew that the reason why his parents were staying in the cave was because they were scared of the outside world. They only went out when they had to hunt. The rest of the day was spent just sitting down and sharpening rocks on the cave walls or drawing pictures with the tar.”
“There is a ten-year-old girl, her name is Brittany. Brittany lives on a planet named Mars and she is a vampire. She has blonde hair, blue eyes, and if you can imagine her, she would have pale skin. Sometimes, she gets mad and angry and she gives people bad, bad dreams on her planet.”
“Hey you,
Do you want to hear a story about a girl (me) with an extremely pathetic life? If yes, you have come to the right place. So sit back and relax, and make sure to strap on your seatbelts because here we go.”
“First a question mark went to work and got one hundred dollars a day. Then he asked everybody one question, and everybody kept getting it wrong. The question was, “What candy cannot go anywhere on time?””
“Hi everybody, Hillel here. I’m going to tell you about another war. We had to arm and train an army so we could destroy the rebellions of the cat war.”
“Michael, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, and Marlon Jackson wanted to get Nerf water Super Soakers and frisbees so they can take a break from singing but all the Nerf water guns were sold out/expensive. The frisbees were so big that they only had a big size. And it’s too expensive.”
“One day, in a land far away, there was the spookiest town of all. The town of Dendrum. There was a person named Doctor Heesagam. He was the most evil person in the town. He used to run around and steal from people. But then one day, a dragon lived in a mountain just around their town.”
“It was Saturday, and Emily was tired. “Emilia!” cried one of the orphanage ladies. The orphanage ladies mostly spoke spanish, which was very difficult for the orphanage girls. Emily was 8 years old, her birthday was September 12, and she lived in an orphanage.”
“The eerie music started to play. That’s how it all started.”
“I think the best restaurant I went to was this place called Le Cinq at the George Cinq Hotel. The meal cost $1055 — the most expensive and exquisite dinner I have ever had and paid for. It was completely and utterly worth it.”
“Once there was a boy named Josh who lived in a house in Beverly Hills with his parents. His mom’s name was Dana and his dad’s name was David and they were very nice people. He also had a sister named Olivia, and a guinea pig and a turtle.”
“Once upon a time, there was a girl named Ashley. She loved ice cream and popsicles. The ice cream store was two hours away from her home. One day, she was crossing the woods to the ice cream store when she saw a gang of ninjas.”
“Once there were two mice. The wife was Japanese and her name was Fumi and the husband was Nepali and his name was Hasan. They were always arguing about whose culture they should live by.”
“Everyone has a story. Mine starts off in New York City. At a house — my house. My house is cozy and appropriate for four children, my little brother Owen, my older sister Brooke, my oldest brother Logan, my little brown cockerspaniel-poodle doggie named Maggie, and me. We all live together as a family. But there was only one thing missing in our happy, crazy little, well, big family. Our parents.”
“Once upon a time there lived a banana man. He was stuck in a swamp. It was muddy and slimy and squirmy. It smelled dirty and mushy. He wanted to get out.”
“Isabelle likes cheese and she is a white mouse. She wants to be the best gymnast in the world so she can get a cheese trophy.”
“There once was a planet called Bobo, and the planet was a very happy planet and everyone there had a lot of fun but there was this other planet named Nani that only had junk on it and wanted to take over Bobo. However, the Bobos were the bad guys and the Nanis were the good guys. “
“Once upon a time, there was a dolphin that lived in the sea. Her name was Ginger.”
“Once upon a time, there was a boa constrictor with fangs as sharp as swords, and he had wings that could make him fly. He lived in a secret fortress. He wanted to destroy everything and rule the world. He wanted everyone to follow his orders. His name was Pythor.”
“One day a girl named Alice and her mom wanted to go for a walk. They saw an ice-cream truck.
“Can I have ice-cream?” she asked nicely.
“No way we haven’t even had dinner,” said the mom.”
“Gorilla EX knows every single karate move in the world. He does this special move where when he lays his finger on someone they turn into stone. He has a lot of muscles and all the girls like him.”
“King has a money machine and everyone likes him. He’s really good at sports, like basketball. He’s even better than Lebron James. Usually people want Lebron James’ signature, but Lebron James wanted King’s signature.”
“I like sweets because I’m three. My mom never lets me have sweets because I’m only three. She really does not want me to have sweets, but when I grow up then she will let me because she won’t know if I’m walking by the street and there’s a candy shop and I want some”
“Once there was a goose named Gawen. Gawen worked for the king, King Basil the bear, as a guard. Gawen loved the king. But something happened a few days ago, when 28 rubies were stolen.”
“In 2013, Hearth and fire fell into the hands of Don Read. In 2014, Vladimir Putin started a war with the Ukraine. In 2015, it was declared a world war. In 2016, the Ukraine began to falter under the power of Russia. In 2017, Putin dropped a nuclear bomb on the Ukraine. In 2018, the last 7 remaining Ukrainian people were forced to evacuate the country, leaving only separatists.”
“There were three people who had a dog. One person was a kid and the other two were grown-ups. These people were the dog’s parents. The people were asleep and the dog was awake.”
“Once in a faraway land…”
“Wait wait wait let me tell this one Soph. So my name is Mona, I live in the abyss. I am an octocat, a very rare species of underwater cats. Actually the only species of underwater cats still living.”