Category Archives: Summer 2019


“Once I finished brushing my teeth, I called my two-year-old sister’s name, but no response. I looked for my sister in the house, but she was nowhere to be found! I was so scared all my hair turned into red fur. I grew a red tail, and my eyes turned orange. I noticed I did not have much control over shifting so I kept on shifting into a fox and back into human until it was easy.”

The Blue Eye

“As I force my legs to pump up, down, up, down propelling my body like pistons across the torrid street, I think, Why do we live, why are we unhappy when we have everything we desire? But we don’t.”


“He clutched with all the strength left in him, for he did not want to lose another person he loved. As he finally died and they managed to tug the cradle away, the baby began a chorus of crying and wailing at the men. Nevertheless, they held the baby cradle and walked into the dark night.”

Dude the Cat

“She came over and for some reason, she really looked like his teacher. She was strict, she looked like it, and she was acting like his teacher. She was very weird. But she seemed to be like his dad. That’s when Dude had the greatest idea in the history of the world.”

Crowned for Nature

“Once we got to the end, we stepped on the soft grass, and I spotted Adele leaning over to a bird as if she were talking to it. I climbed up some rocks nearby, where I saw birds circling above. I creeped toward Adele as the birds fluttered toward her and me.”

Candy Sushi Fun

“After that they went into a cave, which was really cool, and they explored the cave and found treasure! They found ten pieces of gold, and someone had left a note with it. The note said: If you want to find more gold, go to the hot water beach and dig a hole in the hot water beach, and you shall find the next note.”

Cookie the Bear

“I was alone in this cave for the next 3 years of my life. But I made some friends. I have Rocky (he’s a rock) and I have Sophia the squirrel. I think she’s alive. She doesn’t like to move around much. For food, I eat these berries in a bush around my cave. Sometimes these moving objects come toward my cave and a living thing comes out and starts staring at me. It’s creepy.”

Agent Puppy

“Tomorrow I will be given my first mission. I’m so excited. Usually I would be squealing with joy, but I am a very serious puppy in a very serious puppy organization. I am the most amazing… spy. Of course they choose small puppies because the smaller the puppies, the smaller places they can hide.”

Sins and Crimes

“I’m losing blood rapidly and I can feel the life draining out of me. The long elegant diamonds around the mannequin’s neck have punctured deep wounds in my skin allowing for blood to pour out. I try to wiggle my way out from under the mannequin but I feel more stabs from the diamonds pin me down to the ground so all I can do is lie helplessly and hope that I am taken out of my misery.”


“This planet was called Dead Land. When you see Dead Land from outer space, you see all black. It takes normal kids and make them into weapons that they use for kill like a game.”

The Worm Hole Book #1

“Tom was hiking with his family at the Grand Canyon. His sister was singing annoying songs, his brother was making loud sound effects, and his mom and dad were talking about the trip. It was scorching hot and water had to be drunk often.”

Two Stories Combined

“How to stop climate change: Stop driving cars when you don’t need to. It melts ice in the Arctic, which causes polar bears to drown in the water, and don’t throw trash into the water. Don’t let gasoline out when you’re refilling your car, and try to block it. Or wait until it needs gas because it makes the ice warmer, and you don’t have to always use fossil fuels to get places. “

Chocolate Dean

“One land was special because it was made out of chocolate, and the people who lived there and the all stuff there were chocolate, too. One person, who was the king named Dean, was made of chocolate, especially because he had gold and stuff like that. “

The Story of Blub

“When he was a little toddler, he fell from a metal ball 45 feet up in the air, thinking it was a jolly rancher. He had to go into surgery and was never the same again. When he went to preschool, he was the class clown, but he never knew who he was so he cried and cried.”


“I open my door and try to kick him, but my foot goes through him and he pulls me toward the underworld. I thrash and scream and kick but there is no way that he will let go of me. I just relax, realizing there is no hope, and let him yank me to the underworld. I see his facial features: dark, cold, and mysterious. I feel his body, which feels icy. “

Color Blind

“The next day is Monday. I sketch on the bus like I do every day. I love art. A lot of people say I can’t because I don’t see color, but that’s not everything about art. Art is also drawing and painting, which I love. And I’ve seen some real black and white paintings before. “

Lemon the Noodle

“Hi. My name is Lemon, I am a human-sized noodle, and I live in the forest in a tent. It is very cozy here. The ticks only get to me at night, and in the morning, I bathe in the tub of horse poop to get the ticks off. It is beautiful here. Paradise.”

Luca the Bear

Once upon a time there lived a bear named Luca. He was three years old and he wanted to go to school. But then, he realized that he didn’t have a parent because there […]

The House

“You hear a sorrow cry coming from downstairs, then you hear footsteps coming.
It starts to get louder and louder, until you see a shadowy figure. You run, knowing you are being chased. As you run, you hear screaming, and it’s making you more desperate to leave.”

The School for the Talented and Gifted

” The School for the Talented and Gifted was an all-girls school for those with special powers. Emily was an Empath and could sense people’s emotions, Finlia was a Telepath and could read people’s minds. Finlia loved being a Telepath, but there was a strict rule at her school that said that Telepaths could not read people’s minds without asking permission.”

Jonny and the Bozo Peacocks

“Once there was a man called Jonny. He was young enough to be a footballer (soccer player), so that’s what he wanted to do. He wanted to be a good midfielder to defend and attack. But he felt like he was being watched and followed but not by just an over-supervised mum, they were something a lot more unusual (and eccentric), it was, wait for it… PEACOCKS!!!”

The Adventures of Fluffy the Cat

“Once there was a fluffy, fat kitten named Fluffy. She didn’t like the pet store, so she ran away. She was a white kitten, so she got dirty. At the corner of the street where the pet store was, Fluffy saw a bunch of windows, so she went inside one and found a little, evil, fake chipmunk.”

Song Analysis

“Some songs have hidden meanings that don’t really go with the tune or style of the song. Listeners or fans have to look at the lyrics, or listen extremely closely to find the meaning. Sometimes, these hidden messages are a little dark and depressing, or they can be political, or even ask for help in little beeps in the background in morse code, telling a soldier help is on the way. Some songs even have hidden meanings or messages to their loved ones. If you really want to appreciate most music, you really have to understand their inspiration and message to their listeners. “

Life of a Boy with Powers

“On his way home from his best friend Misha’s house (who lived across the bridge), he was hit by lightning. He was walking on the bridge with an Anti-monopoly board game when a thick bolt of lightning struck him. He passed out and his mind went completely blank, and his eyes went white in an instant.”

The Amber Ring

“Recap: Ben and I were normal kids, or at least we thought we were. Our mom owned a ring that we always thought was beautiful, but now we know it was dangerous. Inside this ring was a very dangerous specimen, whatever that means.”

A New Kind of Freedom

“We will need about a kajillion ACs and fans. I’m actually kind of sad. Before I know it, tears are streaming down my cheeks. I know it sounds silly, crying over giving away some old pants, but, for some reason, it’s making me really emotional.”


“As soon as he saw the daisies, he locked eyes with his sister and shared a worried look. Emily was confused. Sam dragged her to the kitchen, grabbed the daisies, ripped them up, and poured them down the drain.”

The Mermystery

“Then, when they were swimming back before they split up, they saw the light again and were getting curious. They went closer and then Laura’s tail got stuck on a fishing hook. Someone tugged on the line and started to reel it up.”

Hannah and Anabelle

“Once there was a girl named anabelle who had a pointy nose and a sister that saw a farm. She was thirsty so she got a Gatorade. She drank it and felt weird. “Ohhh…” she neighed. She looked down to see… a HORSE body!!!”


“The kids told the police their parents’ phone numbers and the police called their parents’ phone numbers and they both answered, but they were talking oddly.”

The Corrupted Candyland

“Basically all the citizens of Candyport agreed with the president, except for two people, who happened to be, unfortunately, my parents, Jane and Michael Buttercup. They were literally addicted to candy; they had to eat at least twelve packs of gummy bears or Skittles every week, or they would have diarrhea for the rest of their lives.”

The Rocket Jet Car

“All of a sudden the car was flying and he thought, “I hope I’m just flying and not going to outer space.” But the car went up and up and it broke through the atmosphere. Max started screaming because he thought he was not going to be able to breathe and die.”

The Brave Bunny Bunch

“My name is Daisy, and I’m a bunny. My family lives in a pretty big hole underground. It’s actually one of the biggest holes in the area, but since we are such a big family it feels much smaller than it is. We are a total of 25 bunnies in our family, including our parents. When it comes to our relationships with one another, we are all pretty close with our litter, but not so much with other litters.”

The Watch

“Once there was a boy who was 15 years old. He wanted a phone, but his mom had no money for buying the phone. One day his mom wanted the boy to buy a phone, so she gave him a clock. The clock was big, red, and gold.”

Monster Madness

“There was a monster named Shatter. She had ten eyes and five mouths. With her long fifteen tentacles and three feet, she really did look like a monster. She had lived on a planet named Galactic Glass Gorge. She was transferred to a planet called Earth when there was an explosion on Glass Gorge.”

Family Mystery

“It was Wednesday, December 1941 in London, England. The police and detectives were arriving to the Maplerose Mansion. Charlotte Maplerose had gone missing. But this wasn’t the main problem; this was the 5th Maplerose reported missing in the past months.”

Space Battle: The Complete Series

“He was drinking his drink when a bad alien came in and kicked open the door. This alien was from a different planet. He looked even uglier than Sammy because he was from a different planet where they have three tentacles, one eye, and are very tall, as tall as a regular human. This other planet called Zorg is as big as Jupiter.”

My Life in the Birchwood Forest

“By my second year in the forest, I was only turning two, but, of course, I didn’t know that. I wouldn’t have learned how to tell time and the days and the weeks, and the months and the years, or if I would survive living here for as long as a decade or more. And I did. How? It’s all thanks to the deer.”

Fend For Yourself

“Granny had three hundred and ninety-seven candles all stored away in a sheet of plastic to keep dry. It was unfortunate that she only had twenty candle holders. Granny had loads of stuff from the real world. That was the only thing that Nora did not like about Granny.”

Abandon School

“I feel as if the clouds departed for me today, for the sun is shining all over Akron even though I don’t like the sun. I think today is going to be the perfect day, mostly because tonight is going to be a full moon.”

Sareen the Blanket Girl

“One day, Sareen left the blanket alone to go to breakfast and then the blanket started moving by itself. It first went to the washroom to flush the toilet. The next thing he did was he go outside the balcony watching the birds because the bird pooped on him.”

The Day You Die

“He used his magic powers to clean up so fast, faster than a superhero. And the mom was speechless, the same was Emily.
Then Emily said, “Can you clean my room?”
“No, sorry, I only can clean up when I make a mess,” said the eagle.”


“He saw other people just standing there, so he asked them what was going on. They told him that they also were sucked into a giant hole and they were on an alien planet. They were the aliens’ prisoners and the only way to get back to earth was the portal in the middle of the planet.”


“I feel as if today will be the last time I will see her in a while. But I know that’s not possible, so I try to get the thought out of my head. My dad takes the trash bag and says he is going to throw it out. I shrug and walk to my room to ponder over all my thoughts. For the first time, I think my dad wasn’t where he said he was.”

The Blackout

“And then Lilly the squirrel wondered why all the lights and the ovens were off. It got even worse when it was very dangerous to cross the streets. The cars never stopped. Lilly was very worried, and then she saw something even weirder.”


“I rushed quickly over there and without thinking, I switched the switch down. Just then, the room transformed into a whole different place: potions filled the room, several different robot machines were roaming around from inch to inch.”


“People say you should stay calm in unfamiliar situations, but I think it’s appropriate to freak out in this situation. Here I am, in a huge, comfy, and probably very expensive bed. It is so much nicer than the floor I slept on at the farm.”

Carter & His Mad Lunchbox

“When I entered my classroom, everyone looked at me, and half of them stared straight at my lunch. I looked down and saw water leaking through the paper bag. Like seriously, why do parents give their own child’s lunch in a paper bag?! No? Only me?”

The Ghost

“It started smelling weird, like yogurt with perfume in it. The windows were opening and shutting closed, along with the door. Suddenly, she heard a voice, and she saw a strange shadow come out of the Ouija board.”


“Nobody knew his real name. He lived in the woods. He also loved flowers. Red flowers, blue flowers, and yellow flowers. But he always did everything with his left hand.”


“There’s only one person left on earth, and the only person is the cow. The cow wants to take over the world and explode the world. He is going to make his own cows.”

A Painted Life

“I slowly placed my pen on the wall with unsteady hands and drew a beautiful dancer elegantly dancing as if she were a dove. This can prove to my mother that I have a passion for painting and that I would love to dance, even though I’m in a wheelchair.”

Anything for Bacon

“Would you eat dog food? If you’re reading this, you’re likely a human, so I don’t think you would. If you’re a dog who has managed to read this, you are probably too advanced to eat dog food. So, naturally I had to get some bacon.”


“Michael was trapped. He went up to someone and tried to ask what was happening. All the guy said was, “Why are you being such a hater?”
Michael said, “I don’t even know what I’m hating!””

The War

“He saw thousands of buildings down and a lot of banging. Then he heard a rumble. It was so loud it cut out all of the sound. Then he saw what it was: it was a tank! And it was coming right for him!”

Sprinkles the Donut

“She was also next to one mean cupcake who did not let her move. The cupcake was too busy teasing her about being a donut and saying that they were better than her. She sometimes cried, but she learned to ignore them. Sometimes she wished she was a cupcake.”


“And I sit there with the compass and laugh, because neither is right. But I breathe in and smell the trees, hear the hum of birds, see all the color, and most of all, wish I was back home, with my people.”

Lightning Thunder

“Stores were crashing because of the lightning, but the rain, lightning, and thunder loved this. They loved it because they wanted everything to go away so that then it would only be Rain, Lighting, and Thunder to rule.”

The Not-So-Ordinary Hero

“Don’t be surprised when I tell you this, but I am not a person. My true identity is a printer. I work at the FBI. You may be thinking, That can’t be terribly interesting. But in my 24-year life, I have soaked up thousands of juicy secrets.”

Nogill Origin Story

“Remember that hat he wore? Yeah, it had magical powers, so he was able to breathe out of water. All the fish in the sea were very surprised, and all the fish in the sea all of a sudden respected him. This fish finally got a name. Nogill.”


“I’m a horse. At least, I am to Maria. To myself, and my mom, and my dad and my sister, and my cousin, and you get the point, I’m an Alicorn. I live in Maria’s home but also my world. I am the royal Alicorn of my world, and I was sent by the Queen to watch over Maria.”

In the Dark

“I search the house everywhere, from the closet to the drawers, but I cannot find him! I’m desperate so I call the police and they come immediately and start asking all sorts of questions. Then they search the neighborhood and ask passersby if they saw my father. None did. I’m hopeless. Scared. Sad. Miserable.”